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No Ghana Card, No Salary: Public Sector Workers Warned

No Ghana Card, No Salary: Public Sector Workers Warned

No Ghana Card, No Salary: Public Sector Workers Warned – Ghana’s Controller and Accountant General Department (CAGD) has issued a stern warning to public sector workers, declaring a new policy that emphasizes the importance of possessing a Ghana Card for salary disbursement. In a bid to streamline public sector operations …

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Goaso Krontihene Found Dead In The Bush

Goaso Krontihene Found Dead

Goaso Krontihene Found Dead – The lifeless body of Nana Yenhyira Kwadwo Kumah, the Krontihene of the Goaso Traditional Area in the Ahafo Region, has been discovered in a bush near the town. The discovery has thrown the entire Goaso township into a state of mourning. The Ahafo Regional Police …

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NDC Youth To Protest 10% Betting Tax

NDC Youth To Protest 10% Betting Tax

NDC Youth To Protest 10% Betting Tax – The youth wing of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) has unveiled a sequence of measures aimed at compelling the government to retract the 10% betting tax. This move is a direct response to what they view as a weighty taxation policy that …

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67% Of Jobless Ghanaians Are Women – GSS

67% Of Jobless Ghanaians Are Women – GSS

67% Of Jobless Ghanaians Are Women GSS – Females account for two-thirds of the unemployed in Ghana, according to the 2022 Annual Household Income and Expenditure Survey Third Quarter Labour Statistics Report, which was released today. The Government Statistician, Professor Samuel Kobina Annim, emphasized at the report launch that the …

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